Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day!

Thanks for all you do.  I couldn't type this if it weren't for you all!!

God Bless,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

47 degrees yesterday, 75 degrees today....!

Like can somebody say here comes the flu?  Weather channel says it'll be in the mid twenties near the middle of the week!

Just got through doing an hour walk down to the farm and back in this gorgeous 75 degree weather!!  Good time for two glasses of cold water once I got back (I hope my body thanks me for that...).

Bad news ... didn't make it to Mount Paran Church of God this face is still too swollen to go because of where I cracked my head open last Saturday (I was just finishing up my hour long session of roller skating - hey, the Doctor SAID to get more exercise....).  Slammed my head down on concrete; almost passed out from the pain; didn't have a helmet on; lost a lot of blood.  I purchased a skating helmet yesterday from  Anyway, I now look like the Hunchback from Notre Dame and I'm tired of being asked, "what did you do to your face?" so I stayed home.  It's healing so I WILL be able to go next week PLUS The Lee Singers will be there, too!  I guess I better start doing some shoulder exercises because next Sunday I know my hands will be up-in-the-air!!  Maybe I ought to gargle a little more often this week too as there will be lots LOUD hallelujah's going up next Sunday morning!

Well, G'day for now - I need to go get a nice salad made.... God Bless...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ah -- a nice one hour walk and it's 48 degrees outside

That ought to do wonders for my blood glucose readings!  As I was walking I witnessed the glory and wonder of our Great I am.  Living in the country, there are no car horns and every "now and then" you might see a car.  Other than that the walk was most beautiful - nothing but deer and squirrels and mountains / trees... (and an occasional hunter way in the distance shooting his gun as it is deer season, I think).

Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father is the maker of all things; seen and unseen.  Imagine all that we can see with today's technology and then think upon how we still can't "see it all"... every week there is a new galaxy seen, new atoms being discovered... etc etc.  Just THINK if that's all we can see what are the wonderful things we will be able to see / experience once we step into His presence.  Unless you're at "that other place" - an eternity in hell with visions that can't be seen or heard in this world. 

So... it was an end to a great day and will be the start to another wonderful day tomorrow (Sunday) when I get to go to my favorite Church - The Mount Paran Church of God.

Blessings to you all... 

What kind of a statement is that?!?...

Each day I get a day older.... closer to Glory. 

When the time comes and my name is called to step from this world into Glory my age will be "zero" and then I will start to get older as I begin my new **promised** life with Him.  BUT, in my glorified body I will no longer age - I will be with HIM for the remainder of Eternity!  So .... each day I get a little older I get a little younger....

I am anxiously awaiting that final hour!